50 Gallon Stainless Steel Mix Tank Skidded System with Positive Displacement Pump

50 Gallon Stainless Steel Mix Tank Skidded System with Positive Displacement Pump

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Location:Stockton, CA


50 Gallon Stainless Steel Mix Tank Skidded System with Positive Displacement Pump 

24" Diameter x 26" Deep cone bottom stainless steel tank, Tank has a 2" Tri-clover center outlet,

Stainless steel hinged lid-cover,mounted on a Stainless steel tubular frame

support skid- stand with 2"dia legs support, with a 1" x 1" Tri clover in /outlet,

AMPCO Model ZP -006 DM 3 PH- 60 HZ positive displacement pump,

with Control Panel; Powerflex -VFD. with Plug in power cords.

Portable unit.


Manufacturer50 Gallon Stainless Steel Mix Tank Skidded System with Positive Displacement Pump
Stock Number5030